Types of urushi lacquer finish

Suri Urushi
(Fuki Urushi)

Raw urushi lacquer and transparent urushi lacquer are rubbed into the wood to make the grain look beautiful. Mainly used for floors and altar tops.

Tate Nuri lacquering
(brush finish)

A high-quality black urushi lacquer brushed with oil to give it a glossy finish. The black color of black urushi lacquer is a reaction of iron oxide and urushi lacquer for both standing coating and ro color.

(Mirror finish)

Brush with high-quality black urushi lacquer that does not contain oil, dry it, and polish it to a mirror finish.

Tsuyakeshi Urushi lacquering
(Matte Urushi lacquering)

Brush the matte urushi lacquer.
Gold leaf reflects the luster of the lacquer below, so matte urushi lacquer is generally used.

Syu Urushi lacquering
(Vermilion Urushi lacquering)

It is a finish painted with vermilion urushi lacquer. There are tate nuri brush finish and roiro mirror finish.

Kiji Roiro mirror finish
(Transparent urushi lacquer mirror finish)

Overcoat the wood with transparent urushi lacquer many times and then give it a roiro mirror finish. It emphasizes the beauty of the wood grain.

Kinpaku Oshi
(Apply gold leaf)

Use urushi lacquer as an adhesive and put gold leaf on it.

How to identify good finish

  1. The corners and corner lines are clean and tidy. In recent years, sharp-edged ones are preferred.
  2. The plane is exactly flat and there is no distortion in the reflected image.
  3. In the case of roiro mirror finish, it is not whitish and black is deep.

The photo is difficult to understand at first glance, but the part that looks like a mirror is urushi lacquered and roiro mirror-finished.
See the distortion-free reflections reflected on the plane.